Stefanie Bauer, Karina Eder, Thomas Gruber, Katharina Höfler, Elvira Kinzner
Metta Technological College is a project that has been developed to offer Thai students a secondary education, focussing on technical and artisanal skills. The site is located in the heart of northern Thailand, in the province of Phetchabun.
Thermal Simulations and Building Physics by Oskar Pankratz

For Tropical Savanna Climate: hot, sunny, rainy, wet, little wind
• avoid sun – north/south orientation
• keep radiation out – insulation of roof
• as much shadow as possible – trees in courtyards
• use wind as much as possible – cross ventilation
• use day and night temperature difference – thermal mass
• slowly turning ceiling fans

Preliminary Simulations: Compared Results, Indoor -Temperatures at two Classrooms with different thick insulation of Wood-Wool-Boards

Daily crossventilation from midnight till 11 am. Classroom A Roof with 5 cm wood-wool-board, moveable openings 30 m² with insect-screen net opening 18 m².
Classroom B Roof with 20 cm wood-wool-board, openings 30 m² with insect-screen net opening 18 m². Floor area, wall inclusive – 75 m²
Internal gains – 12 People from eight to six plus 8W per m² lights and fan.
Hottest day in April – comparison indoor-temperatures Class A and Class B